La Ferté Confection Presentation

The Company :

La Ferté Confection produces the finest quality ready-to-wear clothing for women. We are a company based 200 km west of Paris in Normandy. We are specialized in unstructured "flou" clothing : skirts, pants, shorts, body-shirts, shirts, dresses and jackets.

We work with both printed and plain light silks, muslin and organza. And we also work with many other types of fabrics and textiles, including stitch (silk jersey, cotton) and warp and weft (gabardines and wools).

La Ferté Confection boasts a staff of one-hundred professional and highly qualified individuals.




The company's history :

Traditionally, the Normandy region of France has been home to many fashion and clothing industries.
With the transfer of the low and medium-range quality part of the industry to less expensive countries in term of manpower, after 1985, many industries found themselves in a very difficult situation.

With a plan to protect the level of employment in the area, the City Hall of La Ferté Macé established a clothing industry center in 1987 uniting many local worshops. But due to lack of professional and industry knowledge and strategy, the group went bankrupt in 1990.

At this time, the associates of our company intervened to re-establish a new enterprise. Our goal was to provide the highest quality products to replace the lower-grade ones produced prior to this time.

Our innovative training program transformed our competent workers into highly productive master craftsmen.

Certainly, our new venture took several years before it realized a profit, but within a relatively short period of time it came into a balanced phase. For the past 4 years, we have achieved excellent results.

We inherited very modern facilities which we update frequently. We invest every year in specialized producing equipments and in hardware and software. In particular, we have a new LECTRA CAO and cutting system since March of 2002.



The project :

We wish to offer our extensive ongoing knowledge and expertise.
We believe many developing and growing companies which are expanding into new markets have needs that we can fulfill :

  »  for mid-quality and lower quality : we can train your industrial staff in our plant.
»  for mid-quality : we can help you develop collections and   samples (used for sales), preparing technical and industrial data.
»  for top quality, the collection will be produced in France, bearing the label "Made in France". This will give added value to an existing brand or help set a new one. When the products in question are costumes and overcoats, we will make sure that specialized societies would intervene, that could buy them back in the future.

We are also opened to see new partners entering the Capital of our company, especially in order to improve the results of above project.


Our speciality machines include :

  »  Bourdon stitching machines : this stitch replaces hems wity a flanged seam for sleeves, garments that require hems, and scarves. It is currently used for light materials.

»  ZIG ZAG stitching machines : this stitch places a 'lace' on fabrics, and can also used as a fancy topstitch on seams.

  »  Incrustation machines : these machines also make a ZIG ZAG stitch, but are equipped with a knife that allows you to cut the textile from underneath in the event you wish to add lace.

  »  Recovering stitch machines : this stitch is used on jersey for lining. This stitch makes 2 topstitches from the top and a zig zag stitch from underneath and it is extendable.

»  4 thread machines : they assemble all extendible materials.

»  Paris stitch machines : they make a fancy stitch for lingerie.

»  Little foil inserting machines : they insert a small band in jersey fabrics.